Sunday, February 28, 2016

Matrix 6.0 Javascript Source Code

Matrix 6.0 source code with Matrix Reloaded Core Engine. The first Matrix was written in 2000 for NetValue Online. Matrix 6.0 is a software installed on my computer without web server.

 * matrix.js is a standalone javascript software  
 * Add entries to the page of the month and save the page with CTRL+S   
 * Use with Firefox - Mozilla Foundation  
 * @author: Fabrice Morisseau  
 * @version: 6.0  
 * @date: March 20, 2016  
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see

 * load_menu: Load the menu  
 function load_menu() {  
 document.getElementById("menu_top").innerHTML = "";  
 * add_div: Generate timestamp of the div  
 function add_div() {  
 var today = new Date();  
 var y = today.getFullYear();  
 var M = today.getMonth()+1;  
 var d = today.getDate();  
 var h = today.getHours();  
 var m = today.getMinutes();  
 var s = today.getSeconds();  
 return "" + y + M + d + h + m + s;   
 * model: Matrix Reloaded Core Engine repository  
 function model() {  
 this.model = {};  
 this.add = function (prettyname,form) {  
 this.model[prettyname] = form;  
 this.get = function (prettyname) {  
 return this.model[prettyname];  
 * form: Matrix Reloaded Core Engine form  
 function form(prettyname) { = prettyname;  
 this.content = "";  
 this.set = function (content) {  
 this.content = content;  
 this.display = function() {  
 return this.content;  
 // Create timestamp  
 var item = add_div();  
 // Create Core Engine repository  
 var breeze = new model();  
 * evolution: Add an entry to the main div  
 function evolution() {  
 // Create Breeze Evolution Core Engine Forms   
 var main_evolution = new form("evolution");  
 main_evolution.set("<div id='item" + item + "' class='item" + item + "'></br></br><h2><div id='date" + item + "' class='date" + item + "'>" + document.getElementById('date').value + "</div></h2></br><div id='entry" + item + "' class='entry" + item + "'>" + document.getElementById('entry').value + "</div> <a href=javascript:update_item('"+ item +"');><img src='css/icon_edit.png' border='0'></a> <a href=javascript:delete_item('"+ item +"');><img src='css/icon_delete.png' border='0' height='18px'></a></div>");  
 // Add Breeze Evolution Core Engine Forms to Core Engine repository  
 var main = document.getElementById('main').innerHTML;  
 var str = breeze.get("evolution").display();  
 while ("\n") != -1)  
  str = str.replace("\n","<br>");  
 document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = str + main;  
 * editor_display: Display Editor  
 function editor_display() {  
 if (check_passwd())  
 document.getElementById("editor").innerHTML = "<br><input value='' class='date' id='date' type='text'><br><textarea value='' class='entry' id='entry' cols='60' rows='10'></textarea>&nbsp;<input name='Valid' value='Valid' onclick='javascript:evolution();return false;' type='button'>";  
 document.getElementById("editor").innerHTML = "You must set the password first";  
 * editor_close: Close Editor  
 function editor_close() {  
 document.getElementById("editor").innerHTML = "";  
 * update_item: Change the entry displayer from text to update  
 * @param item: timestamp of the entry  
 function update_item(item) {  
 if (check_passwd()) {  
 var date = document.getElementById('date' + item).innerHTML;  
 var entry = document.getElementById('entry' + item).innerHTML;  
 while ("\n") != -1)  
  entry = entry.replace("\n","");  
 while ("<br>") != -1)  
  entry = entry.replace("<br>","\n");  
 document.getElementById('date' + item).innerHTML = "<input value='" + date + "' class=update_date" + item + " id=update_date" + item + " type=text>";  
 document.getElementById('entry' + item).innerHTML = "<textarea class=update_entry" + item + " id=update_entry" + item + " cols=60 rows=10>" + entry + "</textarea>&nbsp;<input name=valid_update value=Valid onclick=javascript:valid_update('" + item + "');return false; type=button>";  
 * valide_update: Update the entry of the main div  
 * @param item: timestamp of the entry  
 function valid_update(item) {  
 var date = document.getElementById('update_date' + item).value;  
 var entry = document.getElementById('update_entry' + item).value;  
 while ("\n") != -1)  
  entry = entry.replace("\n","<br>");  
 document.getElementById('date' + item).innerHTML = date;  
 document.getElementById('entry' + item).innerHTML = entry;  
 * delete_item: Delete an entry of the main div  
 * @param item: timestamp of the entry  
 function delete_item(item) {  
 if (check_passwd())  
 document.getElementById('item' + item).innerHTML = "";  
 * start_time: Display time every 10000ms  
 function start_time() {  
   var today=new Date();  
   var h=today.getHours();  
   var m=today.getMinutes();  
   m = check_time(m);  
   document.getElementById('clock').innerHTML = "<center>"+h+":"+m+"</center>";  
   var t = setTimeout(function(){start_time()},10000);  
 * check_time: Add zero in front of numbers if < 10  
 * @param i: Minutes  
 function check_time(i) {  
   if (i<10) {i = "0" + i}; // add zero in front of numbers < 10  
   return i;  
 * update_menu: Change the menu displayer from text to update  
 function update_menu() {  
 var menu = document.getElementById('menu').innerHTML;  
 if (check_passwd())  
 document.getElementById('menu').innerHTML = "<textarea class=entry_menu id=entry_menu cols=50 rows=5>" + menu + "</textarea>&nbsp;<input name=valid_menu value=Valid onclick=javascript:valid_menu();return false; type=button>";  
 * valide_menu: Update the entry of the menu  
 function valid_menu() {  
 var menu = document.getElementById('entry_menu').value;  
 document.getElementById('menu').innerHTML = menu;  
 * update_about: Change the about displayer from text to update  
 function update_about() {  
 var about = document.getElementById('about').innerHTML;  
 if (check_passwd())  
 document.getElementById('about').innerHTML = "<textarea class=entry_about id=entry_about cols=50 rows=5>" + about + "</textarea>&nbsp;<input name=valid_about value=Valid onclick=javascript:valid_about();return false; type=button>";  
 * valide_about: Update the entry of the about  
 function valid_about() {  
 var about = document.getElementById('entry_about').value;  
 document.getElementById('about').innerHTML = about;  
 * clear_passwd: Clear password hidden input  
 function clear_passwd() {  
 document.getElementById('set_password_value').value = "";  
 * check_passwd: check password hidden input  
 function check_passwd() {  
 var str = document.getElementById('set_password_value').value;   
 if (str.hashCode() == "-1025043652")   
  return true;  
  return false;  
 * hashCode: return hashCode of any String  
 String.prototype.hashCode = function(){  
 var hash = 0;  
 if (this.length == 0) return hash;  
 for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {  
 char = this.charCodeAt(i);  
 hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char;  
 hash = hash & hash;   
 return hash;  

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